
Why Cash Mob Fayetteville?

On a chilly night this past January, I was sitting by the fire and browsing through an online business journal. An article about something called a Cash Mob caught my eye and I clicked through and read it. These people were selecting a specific date/time and business and having a group show up armed with $20.00 to spend and an attitude of building community. My first thought was how fun and my next thought was that my adopted hometown of Fayetteville, AR was perfect for a program like this.

I first came here 24 years ago thinking it was a temporary move. Here’s the thing, though…the Ozarks and this community in particular  get under your skin. They form a connection that is inexplicable and you just keep coming back…or you never leave.

One of the particular charms of Fayetteville has always been it’s array of small, independently owned businesses. From restaurants to bead shops, bakeries to bookstores, hardware to bohemian clothing, antiques to modern furniture, and everything in between. You can find a locally owned shop that will meet the need. As I read the article on the Cash Mob concept, I knew we had to have one here. We had to let our local businesses know we appreciate the vital role they play in our community.

I posted the link to the article on my Facebook page and the next day read a post from one of my favorite local cafe’s, which is located in THE BEST BOOKSTORE EVER. I mentioned the link to the moderator of the cafe’s page and things snowballed from there.

The concept is simple. Local, independent business is an integral part of a thriving community. It helps to build the unique identity of the community and it is a mutually beneficial relationship that develops. Sadly, in this era of find it in the big box mega shop or online, this relationship has faltered in many areas.

We can’t solve a crisis for a small business with a one day event, nor can we fully change the way people shop. We can, however, give back to our local businesses, acknowledge the role they play in our communities and foster awareness of just how much we would be missing if they disappeared.

Our first event took place at Nightbird Books on Feb. 26, 2012 and everyone had a wonderful time. Approximately 125 people came through the doors of the bookstore during the 2.5 hour time span and the overall consensus was, “keep it up”.

So, here we are. Growing and evolving, learning and having lots of fun. We have a selection committee or board of 7 active members. All are dedicated to the project and the premise behind it. None are brick & mortar business owners in the community, so no bias.

As a full disclaimer, I do own a business in town, but it is a service based business, not one that has clientele coming and going to purchase goods.

Watch our calendars for events. Find us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at @CMFAyAR

  1. Thank you for doing this. It is so important to shop locally. I move away from Fayettevile 12 years ago… And I have been trying to get back for 12 years:)

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